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Variant Experimentation Server User Guide

Release 1.4.0. September 2024

1 Key Concepts

1.1 Experiments

Software application development is accelerating. Many leading teams release new code continuously, deploying each independent code delta as soon as it’s ready, sometimes multiple times per day. In such high-velocity operational environment it’s critical to diminish the risk of defects. One of the mainstays of defect reduction in software development is the use of experiments — the term we use to denote a bifurcation point in an application code path where alternate code paths temporarily co-exist and which path is taken is determined at run time by an external component. In practice, there are two use cases which call for the instrumentation of such bifurcation points, which are described below.

1.1.1 Online Controlled Experiments (OCEs)

In an online controlled experiment (OCE), a modification to the existing user experience co-exists, for a time, with the original experience. User traffic is split randomly between the two experiences, and measurements are collected of some target metric, e.g. rate of conversion to the next page. In scientific terms, the existing experience serves as control and the new experience as treatment. The experiment is said to succeed if it reaches statistical significance — a mathematical term connoting that a) the number of measurements taken is large enough, and 2) the observed difference between the metric’s values in control and in treatment is large enough, to conclude that this difference is far more likely due to the difference between the two experiences, than to mere chance.

For example, you may want to run an experiment to find out the optimal minimum order amount you can ask in return for free shipping. In such an experiment you offer several experiences, each requring a different minimum order amount and target your user traffic to these experiences randomly. As your customers pass through these experiences you can compare the offer take rate and your revenue lift between the treatments.

Note, that in the case of online controlled experiment, in order to interpret correlation as causation, session targeting must be random, because randomness serves a natural control for everything other than the difference in user experience itself.

1.1.2 Managed Feature Flags

The other use case for code bifurcation is feature flags, sometimes also called feature roll-outs. They refer to a software delivery practice, where a new product feature is rolled out gradually to a carefully controlled group of customers before it is made generally available. Whenever you roll out a new product feature, a feature flag enables you to first publish it to a limited population of users, while sending all others into the stable existing experience. If all goes well, you gradually increase traffic into the new code path until you reach full production, at which point the existing code path can be discarded. But if a defect is discovered, the new feature can be temporarily toggled off until the problem is fixed.

Variant treats feature flags as a special case of controlled experiments with the following constraints:

  • Feature flags can only have one experience, which is automatically assumed to be control.
  • Because feature flags are not intended to be analyzed, Variant by default does not log any trace events for them.
  • Traffic into a feature flag is controlled by qualification test. All qualified traffic is automatically targeted for the sole control experience.

1.2 Interactive Application as a Graph

The only assumption Variant makes about the host application is that it is interactive, i.e. pauses for and responds to user input. Its control flow is commonly represented with traversal graphs, like in Figure 1 below. Here the nodes represent the interface states where the system awaits user input and the arcs represent the application responding to user input. Interpreted as a state machine, each node is also a state of the application.

Figure 1. An interactive application modeled as a state graph. (Source: Offutt et al, 2004)

Irrespective of the user interface mechanism, the host application pauses in an application state awaiting user response. These application states render some user interface and provide the means for the user to respond. Depending on the type of the host application, this interface may be manifested as a computer desktop window (desktop application), an HTML page (Web application), an activity (Android mobile app), a phone menu (an IVR application), an XML document (RESTful API), etc.—these details are not relevant to Variant.

A traversal of a set of interface states, as user transitions from one Web page or one telephone menu to the next is what constitutes a user experience, which can be more strictly defined as some connected segment of the application state graph.

Typically, each application state exists in a single variant. (There’s only one checkout page.) To model alternate code paths, Variant distinguishes between a base state and zero or more of its state variants. At runtime, the host application chooses which state variant to traverse. These alternate code paths is what we call state variants. The control user experience is the one that traverses the base states, while a variant user experience is one that traverses variant states.

Whenever the host application receives user input, it navigates to the next interface state. If the target interface state exists in more than one variant, the host application must pick a viriant to present to the user, Figure 2 below:

Figure 2. A state transition without state variant (A); and with state variants (B).

In the regular, uninstrumented case (A), the application simply figures out the next state based on the user’s input, carries out requisite computations, renders the state’s interface to the user, and pauses for user input. However, if the next state is instrumented by one or more experiments (B), the host application must pick one of them.

It is exactly this task of figuring out the particular state variant that the host application delegates to Variant server, just like it delegates to a database server the task of managing persistent data.

The part in the state transition where the host application defers to Variant for targeting is called a state request. A Variant session is, in the nutshell, a succession of state requests plus the common session state, preserved by Variant server between the state requests.

1.3 Variant Domain Model

Variant domain model offers a framework for formal definitions of experiments (both online controlled experiments and feature flags) and for reasoning about them. Its key practical benefit is that it provides a way to externalize the metadata for a set of related experiments into human readable schema files managed centrally by Variant server. These schemas enable developers to define experiments declaratively, rather than programmatically, leaving the implementation details to be handled by the Variant server.

This removes oodles of instrumentation code from the host application. The application developer uses familiar tools to implement new application behaviors, unconcerned with how these new code paths will be instrumented as experiments or feature flags. This instrumentation is accomplished with only a few lines of glue code facilitating the communication between the host application and the Variant server. The experiment schemas containing the definitions of all experiments are managed entirely by the Variant server, removing enormous amounts of experiment instrumentation complexity from the host application’s code base.

This clean separation between implementation and instrumentation dramatically reduces the amount of code the application developer must write in order to instrument new application code paths as experiments. In fact, it takes the same number of lines of code (about a dozen) to instrument your 100th concurrent experiment as it takes you to instrument your first.

In other words, the complexity of instrumenting N concurrent code experiments = O(N).

1.4 Simple Experiment Schema

A minimal valid experiment schema consists of a single state, instrumented by a feature flag — an experiment with a sole experience, as in the following listing.

# A very simple experiment schema take 1.
name: MinialSchema
  - name: passwordResetPage
  - name: recaptcha
      - name: withRecaptcha 
      - state: passwordResetPage

Listing 1. A minimal valid experiment schema with a feature flag gating the new code path adding reCAPTCHA to the existing password reset page.

To deploy this schema, simply copy the file into the server’s schemata directory. Although this schema file parses without error, it does not do anything useful yet because it is missing a custom qualification hook. In the absence of such hook, the default one is used, which qualifies all traffic, which would defeat the purpose of a feature flag. To make this feature flag useful, we may add a custom qualification hook, which will qualify into this experiment only certain users based on their IDs as in the the following listing.

package mycompany.variant.spi;

import com.variant.server.spi.QualificationLifecycleEvent;
import com.variant.server.spi.QualificationLifecycleHook;
import com.variant.share.yaml.YamlList;
import com.variant.share.yaml.YamlNode;
import com.variant.share.yaml.YamlScalar;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;

 * Custom qualification hook qualifies user IDs provided at initialization.
public class RecaptchaQualificationHook implements QualificationLifecycleHook {

  private final String[] qualifiedUserIds;
  public RecaptchaQualificationHook(YamlNode<?> init) {
    qualifiedUserIds =
        .map(node -> ((YamlScalar<String>)node).value())

  public Optional<Boolean> post(QualificationLifecycleEvent event) {
    Boolean isQualified = event.getSession().getOwnerId()
      .map(userId -> Arrays.stream(qualifiedUserIds).anyMatch(userId::equals))
    return Optional.of(isQualified);

Listing 2. Custom qualification hook qualifies into an experiment only those users whose IDs are passed to its constructor.

To add this hook to the experiment use the hooks key:

# A very simple experiment schema take 2.
name: MinimalSchema
  - name: passwordResetPage
  - name: recaptcha
      - name: recaptcha
      - state: passwordResetPage
      - class: mycompany.variant.spi.RecaptchaQualificationHook
        init: [USERID1 USERID2 USERID3]

Listing 3. The minimal valid experiment schema that does something useful.

Now, whenever the Variant server needs to qualify a session for the recaptcha feature flag, it will delegate to the RecapthaQualificationHook hook which will only qualify into the feature those user sessions whose user IDs match those provided in the init list.

1.5. Session Qualification and Targeting

1.5.1. Qualification vs. Targeting

Variant’s domain model clearly distinguishes between qualification and targeting. For example, you may want to run an experiment to find out the optimal minimum order amount you can ask in return for free shipping. In such an experiment you offer several experiences, each requring a different minimum order amount and target your user traffic to these experiences randomly. As your customers pass through these experiences you can compare the offer take rate and your revenue lift between the treatments.

Suppose now that you do not wish to combine the offer free shipping with some other promotion. Clearly, this constraint is a matter of qualification, and not targeting. Users already in another promotion should be disqualified from the free shipping experiment—not merely targeted to the control experience. Rather, Variant server assigns disqualified sessions to the control experience triggering no state visited events as it passes through the experiment for which it is not qualified.

Before any actual targeting can take place, a user session must be first qualified. Only qualified sessions will be targeted to an experience through some randomized mechanism. A qualified session may also end up being targeted to the control experience, but this time Variant server will trigger state visited events for it, in contrast to the disqualified case.

1.5.2. Time-to-Live (TTL)

When a user session is first qualified or targeted for an experiment, schema designer has the choice of the effective lifespan of these decisions. For example, it is typically desirable that a user continues to see the same UI at least for the remainder of the current user session or even on return visits. There are many examples when qualification or targeting decisions must be preserved between session, for example to ensure that returning users continue through a multi-page wizard without the risk of inconsistencies if they switch to a different device.

Variant allows experiment designer choose between three time-to-live (TTL) settings: statesession and experiment. An experiment’s qualification and targeting TTLs are specified in the experiment schema independently. For example, a user’s eligibility for an experiment, e.g. related to a promotion, may vary from visit to visit. But whenever a user is qualified, the experiment designer typically wants her to see the same experiment experience for the duration of the experiment.

More formally:

  • State scoped TTL means that the outcome of qualification or targeting is not reused. An experiment with state-scoped qualification TTL is re-qualified for each state request, and an experiment with state-scoped targeting TTL, if qualified, is re-targeted for each state request.
  • Session scoped TTL means that the outcome of qualification or targeting is reused for the duration of this user session. An experiment with session-scoped qualification TTL is qualified once per session and the qualification decision is reused for the remainder of this session. The same user’s other session will be re-qualified. An experiment with session-scoped targeting TTL is targeted once per session and the targeting decision is reused for the remainder of this session. The same user’s other session will be re-targeted.
  • Experiment scoped TTL means that the outcome of qualification or targeting is reused for the entire lifespan of the experiment or, effectively, forever. An experiment with experiment-scoped qualification will be qualified once, and the qualification decision will be reused for as long as this experiment is defined in the schema. An experiment with experiment-scoped targeting will be targeted once, and the targeting decision will be reused for as long as the experiment is defined in the schema.

State and session TTLs are handled by Variant server. However, experiment-scoped targeting or qualification require Variant server to store them in an embedded database to be preserved in case Variant server is restarted. This necessitates that the application programmer provide a unique session owner (e.g. the user ID in the host application) which is used by Variant server as the database key.

1.6. Concurrent Experiments

1.6.1. Definitions

If two experiments instrument no states in common, they are called serial experiments; a user session can only traverse them one at a time. Conversely, whenever two experiments instrument one or more states in common, they are called concurrent experiments because a user session may be traversing them at the same time. (The term “overlapping experiments” is also commonly used.)

Concurrent experiments are more likely than it may first seem, because of the Pareto principle; your users spend 80% of their time on 20% of your pages. These higher-contention code paths are very likely to be instrumented by multiple concurrent experiments and feature flags. Variant’s domain model gives you a cogent abstraction to manage this concurrency.

In Figure 3 below, Blue and Green experiments are serial, but Red experiment is concurrent with both of them.

Figure 3. Concurrent experiments. Blue and Green experiments are serial, while Red is concurrent with both Blue and Green. The grey boxes denote control states, while the colored ones denote state variants.

When a user session targets a state that is instrumented by two or more experiences, Variant server creates a state variant space of possible experience permutations from which any combination of state variants potentially can be chosen. For example, the state S2 is instrumented by Blue and Red experiments. Blue only has one variant experience and Red has two variant experiences, so the complete variant space of the state S2 has 6 cells:

Figure 4. Variant space of the state S2 has one control, three proper, and two hybrid state variants.

The relationship of concurrence between two experiments E1 and E2 has the following properties:

  • Symmetric: If expeirment E1 is concurrent with experiment E2, then E2 is concurrent with E1. The experiment schema grammar takes advantage of this by requiring the concurrency relationship to be defined by the experiment that appears in the schema after the referenced experiment.
  • Not Reflexive: an experiment is not concurrent with itself.
  • Not Transitive: If E1 is concurrent with E2 and E2 is concurrent with E3, then E1 and E3 need not be concurrent.

1.6.2. Implicit Concurrency

If two concurrent experiments are defined in the experiment schema independently, they are called implicitly concurrent. In this case, Variant cannot target a session in both experiments, because of the possibility that the session would be targeted to a hybrid experience, which may not exists. Variant implements this safety property in the default qualifier hook, which disqualifies a session for any experiment implicitly concurrent with an already targeted live experiment.

This default makes sense: application developers should not have to coordinate with each other simply because they work on potentially overlapping features. However, the price for this convenient safe default is the potential starvation of downstream experiments of user traffic. This can be mitigated by two mechanisms:

  • A custom qualification hook can artificially (and randomly!) disqualify users for the upstream experiments to free up more traffic for the downstream ones.
  • Implement the hybrid experiences and explicitly declare the two experiments as concurrent, as explained in the next section.

1.6.3. Explicit Concurrency

The experiment designer may prefer to instrument concurrent experiments to be targeted completely independently, in order to increase traffic into experiments. (This should only be done in those cases when the experiments in question are truly independent.) In order to let Variant target the same session for two concurrent experiments independently, the application developer must implement all hybrid experiences and notify Variant server by using the  concurrentWith schema key.

Listing 4 below is the complete experiment schema for Blue, Red and Green experiments from the Figure 3 above. To illustrate both concurrency modes, Red and Blue experiments are defined as concurrent but not Green and Red experiments.

name: TricolorSchema
description: Demonstratges instrumentation of concurrent experiments on Figure 3
  - name: S1
  - name: S2
  - name: S3
  - name: S4
  - name: Blue
      - name: grey
        isControl: true
      - name: blue
      - state: S1
      - state: S2
  - name: Red
    # Red is explicitly concurrent with Blue.
    concurrentWith: [Blue]
      - name: grey
        isControl: true
      - name: red_1
      - name: red_2
      - state: S2
      - state: S3
  - name: Green 
    # Green is serial with Blue and implicitly concurrent with Red          
      - name: grey
        isControl: true
      - name: green
          - state: S3
          - state: S4
            # S4 does not exist in control.
            experiences: [green]

Listing 4. The Tricolor experience schema of concurrent experiments from Figure 3. Red and Blue experiments are explicitly concurrent, which signals Variant server that the application developers took the trouble to implement hybrid experiences illustrated in figure 4.

Note as well the experiences key for the Green experiment on state S4 (line 38). It is needed in order to alert Variant that the control experience grey is not defined on S4.

2. Variant Platform Architecture

2.1. Overview

Variant server is deployed on the network local to the host application and its operational database, either on premises or on the customer’s own compute instance in the cloud. (A fully managed Variant Platform-as-a-Service is under development.) Being on the same local network facilitates reliable real-time integration with the operational data for the purposes of qualification and targeting.

The following diagram presents a high-level overview of the different components of Variant software platform:

Figure 5. Variant Platform Architecture.

2.2 Client-Facing Network API

Each component of the host application that wishes to participate in an experiment or a feature flag communicates with Variant server via a native client SDK. Typically, only one instance of the Variant API handle is necessary per process, and only one connection is necessary per experiment schema. If you need to connect to multiple schemas, each schema requires a separate connection handle.

At the time of this writing only the Variant Java Client library is available.

2.3. Server-side Extension SPI

Variant server’s functionality can be extended through the use of the server-side extension service programming interface (SPI), which enables user-defined code to be directly executed by the server process. The server-side SPI exposes Java bindings which facilitate injection of custom semantics into the server’s default execution path via an event subscription mechanism. Two types of user-defined event handlers are supported:

  • Lifecycle Hooks are handlers for various lifecycle events, such as when a session is about to be qualified for an experiment. A user-defined handler can implement a custom qualification logic, e.g. checking if the user is already registered, if, e.g. a feature flag is only open to unregistered users.
  • Trace Event Flushers handle the egest of trace events into external storage, like a database or an event queue. Each experiment schema can have its own event flusher.

Refer to the Server-Side Extension SPI User Guide for more information.

2.4 The Experiment Lifecycle

The other responsibility of the Variant server is the management of experiment lifecycle, such as creation, alteration, and deletion, of experiments and feature flags. These actions are triggered by changes to experiment schema files residing on the server’s /schemata directory. Each schema file is a YAML file, containing definitions of related experiments — experiment metadata. A schema is first deployed to the Variant server when its YAML file is placed into the /schemata directory. A schema is undeployed from the Variant server when its YAML file is removed from the /schemata directory. Whenever a schema file is modified in place in the /schemata directory, the Variant server detects the change and attempts to redeploy the schema.

A single Variant server instance can manage an unlimited number of experiment schemas.

2.5 Distributed Session Management

Variant maintains its own user sessions, instead of relying on those, maintained by the host application, e.g HTTP sessions. Variant user sessions are distributed; changes made to a user session by one Variant client are available to all concurrent Variant clients. This architecture is particularly attractive to modern distributed applications made up of multiple service components. Any such component, connected to a Variant server, can get a hold of a user session by its session ID and obtain its current shared state.

Variant does not guarantee an automatically consistent view of the session’s shared state to all concurrent clients; a change made by one client is not automatically visible to others. Attempting to provide such a strong guarantee would be too expensive while still susceptible to race conditions. Instead, Variant client SDKs provide a way for the application programmer to explicitly synchronize the state when required.

2.6 Advantages of the Variant Architecture

More generally, Variant’s architecture provides the following benefits:

  • Separation of implementation from instrumentation. New product features are implemented by application developers, their instrumentation as experiments and feature flags is handled by Variant, leading to linear human effort complexity.
  • Separation of dev ops lifecycles. Experimentation and feature flagging metadata is source controlled in their own artifacts, independently of the host application. This makes it easy to make trackable changes to experiments and feature flags external to the host application’s code base.
  • Separation of workloads and provisioning. The runtime workload associated with experiments and feature flags is handled by the Variant server completely out of band of the host application. The Variant server runs on separately provisioned compute and network resources, leaving the host application’s resources unaffected by fluctuations in experimentation workload.
  • Isolation from metadata changes. Whenever an experiment schema is redeployed, Variant server makes sure that the change is hidden from the in-progress user sessions. Only new sessions see the current experiment metadata.

3. Experiment Schema Reference

3.1 Syntactical Conventions

The Variant server manages experiment metadata in human readable YAML files, called schema files. Each schema file contains a single experiment schema describing a set of related experiments instrumented on some host application using the familiar YAML syntax.

All schema keys (nouns to the left of the :) are case-insensitive reserved keywords that have specific meanings. For example, name:, Name:, or NAME: are interchangeable.

The following conventions are used throughout this section:

any-stringArbitrary, case sensitive, Unicode string. Follow YAML’s escape rules if you want a string contain special characters.
name-stringCase insensitive string containing only Unicode letters, digits or the ‘_’ (underscore) and not starting with a digit. For example, _mySchema is a valid name and is indistinguishible from, e.g. _MYSCHEMA, but 3rdField is not a valid name.
booleanYAML boolean scalar value of true or false.
numberYAML numeric scalar value.
fragmentArbitrary YAML fragment
typeYAML mapping (dictionary) of some type.
[type]YAML sequence of mappings of a some type.

3.2 Schema Top Level Keys

The top-level keys in the CVM grammar are:

namename-stringYesThe schema name. Must be server-wide unique.
descriptionany-stringNoOptional description.None
states[state]YesA list of the host application’s interface states.
experiments[experiment]YesA list of potentially inter-dependent code experiments and feature flags.
flusherflusherNoDefines a schema-specific trace event flusher. Applies to all trace events generated by the experiments defined in this schema.Server-wide default1.
hooks[hook]NoA list of schema-scoped lifecycle hook specifications. Hooks defined at this scope apply to all states and all experiments defined in this schema.[]
The top keys of the Variant grammar.

1 Configured with the variant.event.fluher.* config parameters.

Experiments are complex structures packing most of the Variant domain model’s expressive power. At a minimum, an experiment must have a name, at least one experience of which exactly one must be declared control, and at least one onStates element, establishing the relationship between the experiment and the state(s) on which it is instrumented. The control experience typically represents the existing code path and zero or more variant experience(s) represent the alternate code path(s).

A feature flag is a partial case of an experiment with the following differences:

  • Feature flags can only have one experience, which is automatically assumed to be control.
  • Because feature flags are not intended to be analyzed, Variant by default does not log any trace events for them.
  • Traffic into a feature flag is controlled by qualification test. All qualified traffic is automatically targeted for the sole control experience.

3.3 States

The states sequence key contains a list of state elements, each representing a node in the application state graph. A state element has the following keys:

namename-stringYesThis state’s name.
parametersparam-mapNoA map of state-scoped user-defined parameters.{}
hooks[hook]NoA list of state-scoped lifecycle hook specifications which apply only to this state.[]


  - name: state1
      key1: "a string"
      key2: "a string"
  - name: state2
      - class: mycompany.variant.spi.RecaptchaTargetingHook

All state-scope hooks must listen to StateAwareLifecycleEvents.

3.4. Experiments

3.4.1. Experiment Top Level Keys

Experiments are described in the experiments list key. Each element is a mapping with the following keys:

namename-stringYesThe experiment’s name.
experiences[experience]YesThis experiment’s experiences.
onStates[on-state]YesThe mappings of this experiment to states it instruments.
isOnbooleanNoIs this experiment online?true
concurrentWith[name-string]NoA list of previously defined experiment names conjointly concurrent with this experiment.[]
timeToLivetime-to-liveNoTime-to-live specificationSession for both qualification and targeting.
hooks[hook]NoA list of experiment-scoped lifecycle hook specifications. Hooks defined at this scope apply only to this experiment.[]
parametersparam-mapNoA map of experiment-scoped user-defined parameters.{}

For example:

  - name: myExperiment
      - name: control
        isControl: true
      - name: variant
      - state: state1
      - state: state2
      targeting: experiment

The isOn property is used to turn an experiment or a feature toggle temporarily offline without removing it from the schema. No sessions are targeted for an offline experiment, as if it didn’t even exist. In fact, the only differences between an offline experiment and an experiment that is completely removed from the schema is that if it defines its targeting or qualification time-to-live as experiment, this information is preserved so that, when the experiment is taken back online, return users will continue seeing the same experiences as they saw before.

All experience-scoped hooks must listen to ExperienceAwareLifecycleEvents.

3.4.2. Experiment Experiences

Each element of an experiment’s experiences list describes one of its experiences.

namename-stringYesThe experiment’s name.
isControlbooleanYes, unless this experiment has only one experience.Defines whether this experience the control experience in this experience.true if the only experience in this experience, false otherwise.
parametersparam-mapNoA map of experience-scoped user-defined parameters.{}

3.4.3. Time-to-Live

Time-to-live determines the retention rule for qualification and targeting decisions with respect to a given experiment. The complete time-to-live specification looks as follows:

  qualiafication: state|session|experiment
  targeting: state|session|experiment
stateThe decision is retained for the duration of the state request only.
session(Default.) The decision is retained for the duration of the user session, discarded after session expires.
experimentThe decision is persisted and retained for as long as this experiment remains in the schema. Whenever a new schema is deployed, all targeting and qualification information associated with experiments that are no longer found in the schema are discarded from the embedded database.

3.4.4. OnStates

The onStates key contains a list of elements, each of which describes this experiment’s instrumentation details on a particular state. Whenever an experiment instruments a state with an onStates element, this implies an obligation, on the part of the host application, to provide an implementation of a state variant for any experience defined by the experiment.

An onState element can have the following keys:

statename-stringYesThe name of the state being mapped by this onStates element.
experiences[name-string]NoThe list of this experiment’s experiences defined on this state.The list of all of this experiment’s experiences.
variants[state-variant]NoThe list of this state’s variants.[]

For example, the following listing defines an experiment on two consecutive pages of a signup wizard:

  - name: page1
  - name: page2
  - name: WizartTest
      - name: control
        isControl: true
      - name: variant
      - state: page1
      - state: page2

If the experiment is testing a new combined page that replaces the two existing pages with only one, the experiences key must be used to explicitly list those experiences that are defined:

  - name: page1
  - name: page2
  - name: WizartTest
      - name: control
        isControl: true
      - name: variant
      - state: page1
      - state: page2
        experiences: [control] # page2 is not instrumented by variant experience

The experiences list on line 13 implies an obligation, on the part of the host application, not to attempt to target a session for page2 if its live experience is WizardTest.variant. Doing so will result in a runtime error.

Conversely, if we wanted to test splitting an existing page1 into two new pages page1 and page2, line 13 would list the variant experience instead:

  - name: page1
  - name: page2
  - name: WizartTest
      - name: control
        isControl: true
      - name: variant
      - state: page1
      - state: page2
        experiences: [variant] # page2 is not instrumented by control experience

3.4.5. State Variants and State Parameters

For each element of the onStates list Variant schema parser creates the state variant space as a Cartesian product of the set of this experiment’s experiences and the experience sets of all experiments concurrent with this experiment and also defined on this state. All state variants in this variant space implicitly inherit the state parameters as defined for this state, if any.

However, in some cases, it is useful to also create state parameters at the state variant level. This is accomplished with the variants key:

# ...
      - state: state1
          - experience: variant
              path: '/path/to/something'

In most cases, this inferred state variant space is sufficient, and you will only need to define state variants explicitly if you wish to override one or more state variants.

An element of the variants key can contain the following keys:

experiencename-stringYesThe name of this experiment’s experience. Cannot be the control experience
concurrentExperiences[name-string]NoThe list of concurrent experiences defining this state variant. Cannot be a control experience.[].
parameters{name:value,...}NoArbitrary properties dictionary.{}

If a state parameter is defined at both the base state and a state variant, the state variant value overrides the base value:

name: example
  - name: state1
    # State parameters, specified at the state level,
    # provide the base values for all variants of this state.
      key1: value1
      key2: value2
  - name: experiment1
      - name: existing
        isControl: true
      - name: variant
      - state: state1
          - experience: variant
            # State parameters, specified at the state variant level,
            # at runtime override the likely-keyed base values within
            # the scope of the enclosing state variant. 
              key2: 'value2 in state variant'
              key3: 'value3 in state variant'

At runtime, Variant will return the following values to the host application:

stateRequest.getResolvedStateParameters().get("key1");  // "value1"
stateRequest.getResolvedStateParameters().get("key2");  // "value2 in state variant"
stateRequest.getResolvedStateParameters().get("key3");  // "value3 in state variant"

This mechanism of state parameter overrides is a convenient way for the developer to introduce application state into the schema at both global and local scopes.

3.5. Flusher

The schema definition of a schema flusher has the following components:

classany-stringYesThe fully qualified name of the Java class implementing the flusher.
namename-stringNoThis hook’s name.The simple (unqualified) class name.
initfragmentNoAny YAML value.None


name: my_schema
  - class: mycompany.variant.spi.CustomFlusher
      endpoints: [http:/some.url http:/some.other.url]

In this example, CustomFlusher‘s constructor will know what to do with the two URLs supplied in the init key. Refer to the Variant CVM Server-Side Extension SPI User Guide for more information.

3.6. Common Schema Components

3.6.1 User-Defined Parameters

User-defined parameters (UDPs) help host applications enrich experiment schema with application-specific state. They are simple read-only key/value pairs of strings, whose semantics are entirely up to the host application.

UDPs can be attached to a state or to an experiment:

name: example
  - name: state1
      key1: 'state param 1 in state1'
      key2: 'state param 2 in state1'
  - name: experiment1
      - name: new_feature
      key1: 'experiment param 1 in experiment1'
      key2: 'experiment param 1 in experiment1'
      - state: state1

State UDPs can be further specified at the state variant level:

name: example
  - name: state1
      key1: 'state param 1 in state1'
      key2: 'state param 2 in state1'
  - name: experiment1
      - name: exp1
      - state: state1
          - experience: new_feature
              key1: 'overrides value of key1 in state1 and live experice exp1'
              key3: 'adds a new parameter in state1 and live experience exp1'

At runtime, the values of state user defined parameters are retrieved via the client SDKs:

State.getParameters() retrieves those parameters defined with the state.

StateRequest.getStateParameters() retrieves those parameters defined with the state with overrides, if any, with values defined with the state variant, according to the live experience in effect.

Likewise, experiment UDPs can be further specified at the experience level:

name: example
  - name: state1
  - name: experiment1
      key1: 'experiment param 1 in experiment1'
      key2: 'experiment param 2 in experiment1'
      - name: A
        isControl: true
      - name: B
          key1: 'overrides value of key1 in experience B'
          key3: 'adds a new parameter only to experience B'
      - state: state1

At runtime, the values of user defined parameters are retrieved via the client SDKs: Experiment.getParameters() retrieves those parameters defined with the state.

Experience.getParameters() retrieves those parameters defined at the experiment level with overrides, if any, with values defined with the experience.

User defined parameters cannot be updated by the host application.

3.6.2 Lifecycle Event Hooks

The schema definition of a hook in any scope has the following three components

classany-stringYesThe fully qualified name of the Java class implementing the hook.
namename-stringNoThis hook’s name.The simple (unqualified) class name.
initfragmentNoAny YAML value.None


name: minimal_schema
  - class: mycompany.variant.spi.RecaptchaQualificationHook

In this example, RecaptchaQualificationHook‘s constructor will know what to do with the three user IDs supplied in the init key. Refer to the Variant CVM Server-Side Extension SPI User Guide for more information.

4 Variant Runtime

4.1 The Lifecycle of a State Request

Variant treats interactive applications as finite state machines. Each user session traverses some state graph, whose nodes are application states, where the host application pauses for user input. Whenever a session navigates to the next application state, the host application must determine if this state exists in more than one variant (i.e. if it is instrumented by any experiments), and, if so, determine which of these variants to return. This inference is known as targeting of a session for a state and is accessed via the Session.targetForState(state) client method. It returns the StateRequest object which can be further examined for the list of live experiences in all experiments instrumenting this state. Before any targeting can happen, the session must be created first with the Connection.getOrCreateSession() method.

See Variant CVM Java Client for more details.

A Variant session can be thought of as a succession of consecutive state requests, each advancing it from one application state to the next. Variant sessions provide

  • A way to identify a user across multiple state requests;
  • Storage for the session state that must be preserved between state requests;
  • Metadata isolation context.

Variant server acts as the centralized session repository, accessible to any Variant client by the session ID. All clients sharing a session are guaranteed a consistent view of the session state. Sessions are expired after a configurable period of inactivity.

Variant hides any changes to experiment schema from active sessions, which continue to see the experiment metadata as it was at the time when the sessions were created. This isolation guarantee is critical in protecting user sessions from (potentially fatal) inconsistencies. For example, if an experiment is taken offline, or one of its variant experiences is dropped, existing sessions, currently traversing this experiment, would be thrown out of their experiences, if this change were visible.

Note, that Variant sessions are completely separate of the host application’s own native sessions. Variant sessions are configured independently and do not require that the host application even have any native notion of a session.

Much of the complexity, hidden by Variant server from the application developer, is inside the Session.targetForState(state) method. For each experiment, instrumented on the given state, Variant server must perform the following steps:

Figure 7. Qualification and targeting of a session.

4.2 Session Qualification

Qualification is a distinct idea from targeting. It directly models feature flags as single-experience experiments gated by a qualification hook, but it is equally useful for implementing experiments, where a clear delineation between qualification and targeting is essential. For example, suppose that a newspaper wants to test promotional rates, offered on its website. This promotion cannot be combined with another promotion, so the traffic coming from other promotional offers must be disqualified from the experiment.

Variant server will consider pre-existing qualification information, subject to the time-to-live rules.

Whenever Variant determines that the calling session’s qualification for a particular code experiment must be (re)established, it raises the ExperimentQualificationLifecycleEvent lifecycle event, which posts eligible lifecycle hooks. If none were defined or none returned a result, the default built-in qualification hook is posted, which unconditionally qualifies all session for all experiments. For more information on lifecycle hooks, refer to [todo] Section 5.1.

If the session is disqualified, it is assigned to the control experience, but not targeted for it. The difference is that

If a session is qualified, Variant server proceeds to targeting it for the requested state.

4.3 Session Targeting

Targeting a session for a state produces the the session’s set of live experiment experiences on that state. Variant server will consider pre-existing targeting information, subject to the time-to-live rules.

Even in a serial case, when the requested state is only instrumented by one experiment, the targeting algorithm is complex. If the requested state is partially, instrumented, Variant server will only consider those experiences that are defined on this state. The complexity of the targeting algorithm grows dramatically for concurrent experiments.

Whenever, inside the targetForState(state) method, Variant determines that the calling session must be (re)targeted for a particular state+experiment combination, it raises the ExperimentTargetingLifecycleEvent lifecycle event, which posts eligible lifecycle hooks. If none were defined or none returned a result, the default built-in targeting hook is posted, which targets randomly, according to the sampling weights provided in the schema, e.g

  - name: Blue
      - name: grey
        isControl: true
        weight: 9   # Sampling weight
      - name: blue
        weight: 1   # Sampling weight
      - state: S1
      - state: S2

4.5 Qualification and Targeting Time-to-Live

Once a session has been qualified or targeted for an experiment, the natural question is how long this qualification or targeting decision should remain in effect. Variant supports three time-to-live scopes: requestsession and experiment, which represent these three qualification guarantees:

  • The state-scoped TTL is the most volatile: the qualification or targeting decision is not preserved between state requests. It is unlikely to be appropriate for retaining targeting decisions, but may be quite useful for qualification decisions. Suppose you want to test a new signup funnel experience which is alleged to improve conversion. Clearly, you want to only qualify those visitors who have not yet signed up. However, if they do signup in the course of a session, you don’t want them to continue seeing the experiment experience.
  • The session-scoped TTL preserves the qualification or targeting decision between state requests and for the duration of the current session. This is the default behavior and it requires no database I/O. However, it is not strong enough if the qualification or targeting experience must be preserved between user sessions.
  • The experiment-scoped TTL is commonly used for the retention of targeting information for the lifespan of the experiment. This is a common strategy for those experiments, where it is desirable that the return users see the same experience. Variant server saves experiment-scoped TTL decisions to the embedded RocksDB database. Even though RocksDB is extremely fast, Variant server makes at most one random database read per session.

Time-to-live is declared in the experiment schema using the time-to-live key, as explained in Section 3.4.3 Time-to-Live. For example, we can re-write the previous listing with explicitly declared qualification and targeting TTL as follows:

  - name: Blue
      - name: grey
        isControl: true
        weight: 9
      - name: blue
        weight: 1
      - state: S1
      - state: S2
      qualification: session # Default, could have been omitted
      targeting: experiment

Listing 5. The Tricolor experiment schema with different levels of qualification longevity.

Request and session-scoped TTL does not require that the user be recognized. But experiment-scoped TTL requires a database key unique to the user so he can be recognized in a different Variant session. The host application sets the value of this key in the ownerId argument to the Connection.getOrCreateSession() method:

User appUser = ... // Represents the host application's User object
Session ssn = variantConnection.getOrCreateSession(userData, appUser.userId);

Qualification and targeting are guaranteed to be stable, because Variant sessions are isolated from any schema changes, as explained in [todo] Schema Management. However, experiment-scoped TTL cannot be guaranteed unconditionally because experiment schema may have changed between two consecutive session. Consider the following scenario:

  1. Your schema contains two conjointly concurrent experiments, both defined with experiment-scoped targeting time-to-live.
  2. Some user has traversed these experiments and was randomly targeted to variant experiences in both;
  3. A bug was discovered in the hybrid experience and you’ve changed concurrency to disjoint in order to avoid the hybrid experience.
  4. The same user visits again. Her targeting information is no longer consistent with the schema and must be revised.

When cases like this arise, Variant will discard the least recently used targeting decision and re-target.

4.5 Schema Management

When Variant server starts, it looks for experiment schema files in the schemata directory and attempts to deploy them. A schema file must contain exactly one uniquely named Variant schema. There is no requirement that the schema file name match that of the schema it contains, though it is recommended that you name each schema file similarly to the schema therein.

For each schema file in the schemata directory Variant server takes these steps:

  1. Parse. Any messages emitted by the parser are written to the server log file.
  2. Deploy schema, if no parse errors. If any parser errors were encountered, Variant server skips this schema file. Otherwise, if no parser errors, and provided no already deployed schemata has the same name, Variant will deploy this schema.

In order to make any changes to the schema, its schema file must be edited and replaced in the schemata directory. It is not necessary to restart Variant server to redeploy a schema. The new file timestamp will be detected and Variant server will attempt to parse it and re-deploy its schema by following these steps:

  1. Parse the schema file. Any messages emitted by the parser are written to the server log file.
  2. Deploy if no parse errors. If any parser errors were encountered, Variant server skips this schema file. Otherwise, if no parser errors, Variant will attempt to deploy this schema, subject to the following conditions:
    1. If no currently deployed schemata has the same name as this schema, this schema is deployed.
    2. If a currently deployed schema has the same name as this schema, their respective file names must also be the same.
  3. If both of the above conditions stand, the currently deployed schema is undeployed and the new one is deployed in its place.

To undeploy a currently deployed schema, simply remove the corresponding schema file.

Whenever a schema is undeployed, Variant server will hold on to its memory representation, while all active sessions connected to it naturally expire. All new sessions are created against the currently deployed generation, if any. Session draining isolates active sessions from schema updates, which is instrumental in Variant’s ability to provide stable qualification and targeting. In practice this means that, for instance, you can shut off a feature flag without worrying about disrupting active users who are already in the experience.

4.6 Trace Event Logging

Variant trace events are generated by user traffic, as it flows through code experiments, with the purpose of subsequent analysis by a downstream process. Trace events can be triggered implicitly, by Variant, or explicitly by the host application. In either case, the host application can attach attributes to these events, to aid in the downstream analysis.

The only implicit trace event is the state visited event (SVE). It is created at the start of a state request, [todo] Figure 3, and triggered when a StateRequest is committed or failed. This gives the host application a chance to attach custom attributes to the event. For example, if the host application caught an exception, it may wish to set the status of the event to error, and add the name of the class that threw the exception. This information can be used downstream to exclude this session from the statistical analysis (if this is an experiment), or to shut off the experiment (if this is a feature flag).

Explicit trace events are triggered by calling the Session.triggerTraceEvent() method.

Trace events are egested onto external storage via Trace Event Flushers which are part of the Extension API, discussed next.

Appendix A
Analyzing Variant Controlled Experiments

A.1. Trace Event Data Aggregation

Each Variant experiment is designed with particular target metric(s) in mind. But regardless of the target metric(s), the starting data point is always a time-series of trace events, such as the page visited event, which must be aggregated into a time series of measurements, such as revenue as a function of number of users through the experiment. The details of this aggregation step depend entirely on the longevity mechanism you’ve chosen for your trace events. If your flusher inserts them into a relational database, you will likely use SQL. A distributed data processing framework, like Apache Hadoop , can also be successfully deployed for longevity and aggregation of Variant trace events.

A.2. Statistical Analysis

The goal of an experiment to

  • Discover if there is a difference between control and variant experience(s) with respect to the target metric of interest;
  • Asses how certain can we be that this difference is not just random noise.

The latter can be accomplished with some well-known mathematical formulas developed in the field of statistical hypothesis testing. The fundamental idea there is to develop a procedure that will enable the researcher to make a claim about the entire population with a given degree of certainty, based on a set of sample observations. Refer to the Statistical Analysis of Variant Experiments white paper for more information.
